Monday, 11 May 2015

8 effective uses of Pyramid Energy

The word “ Pyramid ”, can be split in two parts - these are 'pyra' and 'mid'.
'Pyra' means fire and 'Mid' indicates a position in the centre or in the 'middle'. When energy is focused, it gets stronger and its strength doubles or triples. If the strength is increased further, then fire emerges. So, to get the maximum energy from the pyramid, we have to sit in the middle of this fire i.e. pyra + mid ! For the focusing energy to be maximum, a pyramid should be aligned towards the true North – South at an angle of 51° 51' 51".

Some effective uses of Pyramid Energy

  • Quick healing : Pyramids can be used effectively to obtain relief and complete cure from all types of diseases when combined with meditation.
  • Increased Immunity : For general problems that arise due to pollution like allergy, Pyramids can be utilized to attain unbelievable relief. If the Pyramid energy is absorbed regularly, the body’s immunity increases.
  • Healthier Water : if we drink water stored in a Pyramid for minimum three days, the universal energy will reach all parts of the body.
  • Memory Power : If students wear Pyramid shaped caps while studying, their memory power and knowledge improves.
  • Uniform Distribution of Energy : There is a continuous of flow energy in the Pyramid. Irrespective of the number of people present, everyone receives equal energy from the Pyramid.
  • Reduction in Negative Thoughts : The power of our will (and what we think) increases inside a Pyramid. Hence we should avoid negative thoughts when we are sitting there to avoid increasing the negative energy.
  • Increased Productivity : If some seeds are kept in Pyramid for 1-5 days before their sowing, the yield from these seeds is found to be 20-100% more than the yield of normal seeds. The plants grown out of the seeds taken from Pyramid are found to be healthier.
  • Increased Effectiveness :  Glucose and some iso-osmotic liquids stored in Pyramid are found to be more effective in drug de-addiction campaigns. They can be injected into the veins or given orally.

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